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Credit: David Humes
Photo Credit: The Liquid Grid

Micro-Grant Program

We want to fund your creative project to make a dent in the greenwashing game.

Billions of dollars are being poured into marketing Liquefied Natural Gas as a “climate friendly” fuel for cruise ships, ferries, car carriers, and cargo vessels transporting our goods overseas. But, LNG is just another fossil fuel painted green.

We have something big oil and gas doesn’t: people power. Billions of small actions have become collective forces to be reckoned with, like #FridaysForFuture #RBCRevealed #NoDAPL (Dakota Access Pipeline) #ExxonKnew and many more.

Together, we can make sure LNG is not used to fuel our ships. 

Whether you’re a student, young person, community organizer, or anyone passionate about environmental justice or creative activism, you’re more than equipped to get involved! No PhD required. Open to all locations across the globe.

Get funding for an activity, covering expenses like supplies, event space, and communications materials. You’ll choose from three grant levels:

1. USD $200

  • Simple ideas implemented by you or your friends. Record a song with new lyrics, make illustrative graphics or posters, post a funny Tik Tok video, produce a comic book strip!

2. USD $700

  • Bigger ideas implemented with a small group. Purchase ad space to design a billboard, plan an art build, produce a music video. A workplan, budget, and a community reference are required.

3. USD $1000

  • Activities involving a large group to drive impact. A detailed workplan, budget, and a community reference are required

Note: We require receipts/invoices for cost justification. Reimbursement is dependent on the submission of the receipts and invoices.

Apply by completing this Application Form [click here]. Select the grant level aligned with your activity’s scale and impact. You’ll then be prompted to provide project information according to the grant level you have selected.

Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis until funds are distributed. Successful applicants will be notified and guided on fund disbursement.

For a basic guide to this Micro-Grant Program [click here]!

For the full Guidelines and Activity Toolkit [click here]. While this program is open to all ages, these guidelines and activity toolkit are designed at the level for students and young individuals.

To provide feedback on the Micro-Grant Program [click here].