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Say No to LNG Global Campaign July 19, 2024
A Step Backwards: Say No to LNG Responds to Maersk’s LNG Investment
The Say No to LNG global shipping campaign is deeply concerned by Maersk's recent decision to invest in Liquified Natural Gas (LNG)-powered vessels. This move directly contradicts Maersk's previous commitments to prioritize zero-emission fuels. ..
Resource type:  Press Release
Solutions For Our Climate June 10, 2024
Reconsidering Korea’s LNG Bunkering 100% Rebate Policy
The rebate system for LNG bunkering may impose a greater financial burden on the South Korean government and potentially impede its commitment to achieving net-zero emissions in international shipping by 2050...
Resource type:  Report
Say No to LNG Global Campaign & Earth Insight June 6, 2024
Report: Heatmap shows Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) expansion in globally-important marine biodiversity hotspots
New maps released ahead of World Oceans Day paint a sobering picture of current plans to expand LNG infrastructure worldwide...
Resource type:  Press Release
Say No to LNG – Canada May 28, 2024
Ad Standards Canada Ruling Leaked: Finds LNG Ads Guilty of Greenwashing
The third-party advertising watchdog unanimously ruled that Canada Action’s LNG ads are inaccurate and misleading..
Resource type:  Blog , News
EERA & Ocean Conservancy May 7, 2024
Analysis of Liquefied Natural Gas as a Marine Fuel in the United States
This report provides a detailed review of the existing literature on LNG as a marine fuel, including discussion of policies and regulations; LNG engine technologies and emissions; the global and U.S. LNG vessel fleets; production, import and export of LNG; and the health and equity implications of LNG...
Resource type:  Report
Say No to LNG Global Campaign April 19, 2024
Response to ZEMBA’s Announcement: Biomethane a Slippery Slope to Decarbonize Shipping
Over two years, Hapag-Lloyd will use waste-based biomethane in existing fossil-LNG vessels. There is a significant risk this contract could make the case for building new LNG infrastructure. ..
Resource type:  Blog , News
Say No to LNG Global Campaign April 19, 2024
Factsheet: Biomethane Should Not be Part of any Shipping Decarbonization Pathway
Biomethane, also known as bio-LNG, is an almost entirely methane-based gas. Here are three reasons why biomethane is currently not a short-, mid- or long-term solution for shipping decarbonization...
Resource type:  Factsheet
Transport & Environment April 12, 2024
Open letter sent to ship engine manufacturers to disclose true impact of LNG
A coalition of green groups has called on ship engine manufacturers to disclose the full climate impact of fossil gas-powered vessels. More and more shipping companies and cruise liners are ordering vessels that run on LNG – a fuel that is being sold by engine manufacturers as cleaner than traditional fuels. ..
Resource type:  News
Energy and Environmental Research Associates, LLC April 11, 2024
LNG and Shipping in the Arctic
To better understand the trajectory of LNG uptake in a maritime context across the study region, this report explores policy positions on natural gas in the study region, describes LNG bunkering, trade, and infrastructure, and identifies, discusses, and analyzes the Arctic-capable LNG vessel fleet...
Resource type:  Report
Clean Arctic Alliance April 11, 2024
Two New Reports Highlight Threat of LNG Reliance in the Arctic
Clean Arctic Alliance shares two reports, both of which explore the future potential impacts on our climate from the extraction and use of liquified natural gas (LNG) for fueling the shipping industry. ..
Resource type:  News
Andre Dumbrille, Advisor, Clean Arctic Alliance April 11, 2024
The Arctic HFO Ban Presents A Cross Current For Shipping in the Arctic
This July, a ban on use and carriage of heavy fuel oil – shipping’s dirtiest fuel – in the Arctic comes into force. We call on the shipping industry and governments to hit the pause button before investing in liquified natural gas (LNG) infrastructure. ..
Resource type:  Blog
Curtis Martin, Say No to LNG Canada Campaigner April 3, 2024
How to Say No to LNG Greenwashing in Canada
See an ad that you think is greenwashing and want to do something about it? Read more to see what you can do to fight back in just a few minutes...
Resource type:  News
Bellona Environmental Foundation April 2, 2024
Working paper analyzes Russia’s big LNG ambitions in the Arctic
Report gives an overview of the Russian LNG sector with a focus on the current status and future projections of LNG production and use as ship fuel in the Russian Arctic. The influence of economic sanctions on Russian LNG development plans are also analyzed...
Resource type:  Report
Say No to LNG Global Campaign April 1, 2024
April Fool’s Joke or Real Life? The LNG shipping project on the west coast of Canada has just been approved.
The Tilbury approval will have a negative impact not only on Canadians but also on people around the world. The project aims to boost the export of LNG to Asia, which could hinder the efforts of countries in that region...
Resource type:  Blog
The International Council on Clean Transportation March 14, 2024
Characterizing methane emissions from LNG-fueled ships using drones, helicopters, and onboard measurements
FUMES found that real-world methane emissions from the most common LNG marine engine averaged 6.4%, whereas EU regulations assume 3.1% and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) assumes 3.5%. ..
Resource type:  Report
Say No to LNG Global Campaign March 18, 2024
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the Gaslight of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Coordinated protests erupted in the Netherlands, UK, France, and Canada in the lead up to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) meetings starting today. ..
Resource type:  Press Release
Andrew Dumbrille, Say No to LNG - Canada March 14, 2024
Cows protest the use of LNG as a marine shipping fuel
On the heels of the cow demonstration in Marseilles, France, cows again take to the streets in Ottawa, Canada to say ‘It wasn’t me, this time’. ..
Resource type:  Blog , News
Say No to LNG Global Campaign January 1, 2024
Say No to LNG Campaign: A Global Solutions Framework
Recognizing there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution for shipping decarbonization, the Say No to LNG campaign adopts a solutions framework focused on a just and equitable transition...
Resource type:  Blog, Say No to LNG Global Campaign, CAPE... January 26, 2024
First Nations, environmental groups respond to U.S. pause on LNG approvals
Shipping LNG to Asia is worse for the climate than just burning coal. Saying no to LNG can put Canada on course to achieving its Global Methane Pledge commitments and recently revised International Maritime Organization (IMO) shipping GHG targets...
Resource type:  Press Release
Elissama Menezes, Global Director, Say No to LNG December 31, 2023
COP28: Why gradualism is no longer an option in 2024
We must halt the expansion of existing Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) projects in the maritime sector. It is essential to establish robust international regulations for methane emissions in the shipping industry if we hope to keep the 1.5°C target within reach. ..
Resource type:  Blog
Say No to LNG Global Campaign December 5, 2023
Beyond LNG Shipping: “Just Transition” Day at COP28
As the world converges at COP28's “Just Transition” day in Dubai, we are actively engaging in conversations and forming partnerships to strengthen our commitment to a “just and equitable” transition – beyond LNG shipping. ..
Resource type:  News
Say No to LNG Global Campaign December 5, 2023
Factsheet: Beyond LNG Shipping for a Just and Equitable Transition
Socially and environmentally vulnerable communities are more exposed to the direct impacts of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) extraction, processing, and operation. Here are five reasons why LNG does not belong in a "just and equitable" transition...
Resource type:  Factsheet
Guest Blogger: Nicole Figueiredo de Oliveira October 31, 2023
The Draculization of LNG: Why Brazil Must Resist the Expansion of Liquefied Natural Gas
Guest blog post by Nicole Figueiredo de Oliveira, Executive Director of Arayara, discussing the planned expansion of LNG in Brazil...
Resource type:  Blog
Andrew Dumbrille & Elissama Menezes October 30, 2023
Op-ed: The haunted future of LNG
There’s a scary connection between liquefied natural gas (LNG) and the yearly ritual of watching horror movies and kiddies at the door for Halloween — trick or treat. ..
Resource type:  News
Clean Arctic Alliance October 30, 2023
LNG-Powered Shipping: A Nightmare for Arctic Ecosystems
The Clean Arctic Alliance is lending its voice to calling for action to move beyond LNG shipping fuel to truly zero emission alternatives. ..
Resource type:  Blog
Guest Blogger: Kathryn Cussen October 30, 2023
Halloween Scaries: LNG fuels the Climate Crisis
Guest blog post by Kathryn Cussen. Say No to LNG welcomes submissions from passionate individuals who wish to contribute to the LNG shipping conversation...
Resource type:  Blog
Say No to LNG Global Campaign October 16, 2023
Turning the Tide: Introducing Say No to LNG’s Micro-Grant Program
Join our global campaign advocating for a cleaner shipping future! Apply to the Say No to LNG Micro-Grant Program to raise awareness about the harmful impacts of LNG as a marine shipping fuel...
Andrew Dumbrille, Say No to LNG October 5, 2023
The Untold Impacts of LNG: Beyond the Climate Debate
Canada Campaigner Andrew Dumbrille talks about his debate with pro-LNG advocate Cody Battershill on the Mike Smyth Show...
Resource type:  News , Radio
Say No to LNG Global Campaign September 26, 2023
Factsheet: LNG & Green Corridors
Green shipping corridors are maritime transport routes designed to prioritize using low- and zero-emissions technologies and fuels. Here are three reasons why Liquefied Natural Gas does not belong in green shipping corridors...
Resource type:  Factsheet
Opportunity Green September 26, 2023
(Un)Sustainable from ship to shore
The report highlights the systemic nature of the cruise industry’s apparently misleading advertising, including claims being made by some of the biggest international cruise companies such as Carnival, MSC Cruises, Princess Cruises, and Costa Cruises. ..
Resource type:  News , Report
ClimateWorks Foundation September 21, 2023
Debunking the myth of Liquified Natural Gas
Elissama Menezes of the Say No to LNG global shipping campaign works to debunk the myth that liquified natural gas, or LNG, is a “climate-friendly” marine fuel alternative and exposes the true nature of LNG as a fossil fuel...
Resource type:  News , Report
Ship It Zero August 7, 2023
Shipping Decarbonization Report Card
Most carriers have only committed to carbon neutrality by 2050, too long a timeframe to avoid catastrophe, and carriers are reliant on false solutions like liquefied natural gas (LNG) and scrubbers...
Resource type:  News , Report
Financial Times June 19, 2023
Europe’s port cities ‘choking on toxic air’ from cruise ships
Research shows harmful gases from vessels quadruple that of cars despite emissions curbs. Yet around two-fifths of cruise companies’ order books are LNG-powered vessels. ..
Resource type:  News
El gas natural licuado, un combustible alternativo para cruceros ¿menos contaminante?
The spanish television channel TVE1 published a short news documentary on LNG's detrimental climate impacts..
Resource type:  News
Say No to LNG Global Campaign June 12, 2023
Upcoming IMO negotiations: Global campaign cites recent investigations urging countries to leave fossil gas behind
Negotiations, kicking off June 26 in London, could either set the course for a comprehensive global climate plan or derail the Paris Agreement into climate chaos...
Resource type:  Press Release
Solutions for Our Climate June 1, 2023
High and dry: The global energy transition’s looming impact on the LNG and oil shipbuilding industry
Shipbuilders face significant risk by overshooting liquefied natural gas (LNG) shipping capacity that is inconsistent with future energy scenarios...
Resource type:  Report
David Suzuki Foundation May 29, 2023
Burning Bridge: Debunking LNG as a Climate Solution
This report covers the science on the climate impacts of gas, the necessary reductions in gas supply and demand under the Paris Agreement and how this disqualifies Canadian LNG as a climate solution. ..
Resource type:  News , Report
Say No to LNG Global Campaign May 23, 2023
Say No to LNG Job Posting: Part-Time Communications Assistant
Update: The role has been filled. We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the applicants for their interest in the Communications Assistant position. Your overwhelming response has been truly inspiring, and while we would have loved to personally respond to each applicant, the sheer volume has exceeded our expectations. Please know that we deeply appreciate your time and effort. ..
Resource type:  News
NIKKEI Asia May 25, 2023
Singapore is leading the way on taking carbon out of shipping
The government is driving efforts to electrify shipping vessels and shift to green fuels..
Resource type:  News , Report
Transport & Environment May 17, 2023
Fossil gas: the greenwashing pill shipping wants you to swallow
How the maritime industry is betting on the wrong horse, leaving behind a trail of climate destruction and stranded assets in its wake..
Resource type:  News
Say No to LNG Global Campaign May 1, 2023
Setting the Record Straight: Say No to LNG Responds to SEA-LNG
Our campaign is intended to be a resource for policy makers, financiers, and the shipping industry to plan for incoming methane regulations and address the financial challenges ahead...
Resource type:  Press Release April 28, 2023
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as a fuel for ships is a climate disaster
This decade, we are at a climate crossroads. The path we choose will either lock in runaway climate chaos or clear the way for a livable future...
Resource type:  News
Aoife O'Leary, CEO & Founder, Opportunity Green April 25, 2023
The IMO would be reckless to ignore the full life cycle of fuels
Alternative fuels are only a climate solution if emissions on and off ships are regulated ..
Resource type:  News
The Magazine for Environmental Managers April 12, 2023
From Land to Sea: the Myth of LNG
From extraction to its final destination, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) impacts people, nature, and the climate. Menezes and Lem debunk the myth that LNG is the solution the shipping industry needs to decarbonize and reduce its climate footprint. If using LNG at sea creates more issues on land, is this really a solution? ..
Resource type:  Report
Pacific Environment April 12, 2023
Stop Gas Build-out at Port of Long Beach
Plans to build new fossil fuel facility for ships powered by LNG, locking in dangerous pollutants for 30 years...
Resource type:  Report April 7, 2023
Promises from cruise industry on environmental footprint ring hollow is calling on Canada’s federal government to support coastal communities by banning and preventing pollution from ships, including cruise ships...
Resource type:  News
ClimateWorks Foundation May 22, 2023
Building momentum to decarbonize maritime shipping
The shipping industry is responsible for 3% of GHG emissions & its emissions could double by 2050. This new story chronicles how their grantees & partners rallied to build momentum to decarbonize shipping globally...
Resource type:  News
UMAS April 5, 2023
How can international shipping align with 1.5°C? Focus on 1.5°C alignment in 2030
IMO’s GHG debates have centred on the fuel transition, which is key for the ultimate transition to zero emissions, but absolute emission reductions required this decade can mostly be unlocked with efficiency...
Resource type:  Report
Elissama Menezes, Global Director Say No to LNG Campaign April 3, 2023
The role of shipping in tackling methane emissions, according to the latest IPCC Report
The climate clock is ticking, and the time to act is now..
Resource type:  News
Opportunity Green April 1, 2023
Don’t be Fossil Fooled: Say No To LNG
Today – on April Fools’ Day – a new campaign called ‘Say No To LNG’ is launching online and across the globe. Opportunity Green has joined this global campaign to pull back the curtain on dirty shipping fuels – with one culprit in particular: Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)...
Resource type:  News
April 1, 2023
New Global Campaign Launches on April Fools’ Day: Pulls Back the Curtain on Dirty Shipping Fuels
This April Fools' Day the Say No To LNG campaign launched across the globe, pulling back the curtain on dirty shipping fuels and calling attention to one in particular: Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). ..
Resource type:  Press Release
Say No to LNG – Canada May 27, 2024
3 simple steps to report a greenwashing ad in Canada
If you see an LNG ad that you suspect might be greenwashing, take a picture and send in an official complaint in just a few minutes!..
Resource type:  Blog
Say No to LNG Global Campaign June 15, 2024
Biomethane Fuel is Not a Solution for Shipping Decarbonization
An infographic identifying the reasons why biomethane as a shipping fuel creates problems for the climate, environment, and people. ..
Resource type:  Infographic
Say No to LNG Global Campaign March 30, 2024
LNG Does Not Belong in Green Corridors
An infographic listing the top 3 reasons why LNG as a so-called "transition" fuel hinders the progress of green shipping corridors...
Resource type:  Infographic
Say No to LNG Global Campaign March 30, 2024
The Impacts of LNG Shipping From Land to Sea
An infographic about LNG shipping and it's impact from land-based extraction to its use as fuel at sea...
Resource type:  Infographic
International Council on Clean Transportation September 30, 2022
Comparing the future demand for, supply of, and life-cycle emissions from bio, synthetic, and fossil LNG marine fuels in the European Union
The report estimates that renewable LNG will be seven times more expensive than fossil LNG in 2030...
Resource type:  Report
UCL Energy Institute September 12, 2022
Exploring methods for understanding stranded value: case study on LNG-capable ships
Researchers estimate £113bn-£185bn in losses investing in an LNG-capable fleet..
Resource type:  Report
Natural Resources Defense Council & China Waterborne Transport Research Institute September 9, 2022
Overview of the Development of Low/Zero-Emission Marine Fuels and Implications for China
China's potential to lead shipping decarbonization to renewable-based solutions and away from LNG...
Resource type:  Report
Say No to LNG Campaign Spokespersons August 15, 2022
Comments on the Environmental Assessment Certificate for Tilbury LNG Marine Jetty Project
The Tilbury Environmental Assessment lacks robust analysis on the impact of using LNG as a marine fuel...
Resource type:  News
Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability May 5, 2023
Policy approaches to mitigate in-use methane emissions from natural gas use as a marine fuel
This study conducts a critical review and expert interviews to identify methane slip mitigation measures, and then identifies and evaluates potential policy instruments that could incentivize their uptake while considering the shipping sector's climate targets...
Resource type:  Report
The World Bank April 15, 2021
The Role of LNG in the Transition Toward Low- and Zero-Carbon Shipping
The report attempts to identify the role of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a bunker fuel in the years 2020–2050...
Resource type:  Report
Publication Name August 1, 2023
The Invisible Climate Impact of a Cruise Ship
Cruise operators are switching to LNG-powered vessels they say are better for the climate. New evidence suggests their emissions impact is still being understood. ..
Resource type:  News , Report
Clean Arctic Alliance May 12, 2023
LNG: The Threat to the Arctic from Liquified Natural Gas as a Shipping Fuel
Clean Arctic Alliance is lending its voice to calling for action to move beyond LNG to truly zero emission alternatives...
Resource type:  News
TradeWinds GreenSeas Podcast April 21, 2023
Should shipping stick to liquefied natural gas as a fuel?
Episode digs into the debate with Peter Keller and Steve Esau of SEA-LNG, Elissama Menezes of Say No to LNG and Panos Mitrou of Lloyd’s Register...
Resource type:  Podcast
Publication Name April 14, 2023
Say No to LNG Interviews on Green Majority Radio
Stefan interviews Elissama Menezes and Andrew Dumbrille about a campaign against LNG in shipping...
Resource type:  Podcast
Publication Name April 6, 2023
A sinking ship: don’t be fossil fooled by LNG
LNG distracts Canada from a zero-emissions future, jeopardizing its commitments to a cleaner, prosperous economy...
Resource type:  News
Lloyd's List April 4, 2023
Campaign launched against use of LNG as a marine fuel
Activists have begun a new lobby campaign against LNG as a marine fuel. Their arguments cover the full lifecycle effects the fuel might have, including methane slips...
Resource type:  News
TradeWinds April 4, 2023
New campaign aims to highlight ‘greenwashing’ of LNG as fuel
The ‘Say No to LNG’ group argues shipping should plough cash into operational measures and R&D instead...
Resource type:  News
Publication Name April 1, 2023
Say No to LNG announces official launch
The organisers of ‘Say No to LNG’ have announced the formal launch of their campaign, with events set to take place this month in North America and Europe as well as East and Southeast Asia. ..
Resource type:  News
Bunkerspot January 16, 2023
Say No to LNG Campaign outlines aims for ‘zero-emission, just and equitable shipping industry’
Proponents of fossil liquefied gas are gaslighting the maritime industry, policymakers and investors away from zero-emissions solutions and towards a dead-end path...
Resource type:  News
UMAS June 4, 2022
LNG impact on decarbonising shipping ‘negligible’, claims green group
A UMAS report dismissing LNG as “a statistical irrelevance” in the rush to decarbonise shipping, has coincided with a new campaign against its adoption...
Resource type:  News
Transport & Environment March 22, 2022
Now more than ever, powering ships with gas is a terrible idea
At a time where Europe desperately needs to reduce its reliance on Russian gas, in one area it is becoming more dependent: to power shipping...
Resource type:  News
Transport & Environment February 16, 2022
Quarter of EU shipping will run on LNG by 2030 locking in fossil fuels for decades
EU policies to clean up shipping will lead to replacement of conventional marine fuels with fossil liquid natural gas (LNG), with little benefit to the climate...
Resource type:  News March 7, 2023
Elissama Menezes and Dr. Melissa Lem of the Say No To LNG Campaign
A sound solutions pathway towards shipping decarbonization...
Resource type:  Podcast
Stop the Money Pipeline January 15, 2023
Tell Citi: Stop financing Environmental Racism in the Gulf South!
Unprecedented build-out of methane oil and gas export terminals with over 25 new toxic projects proposed...
The Magazine for Environmental Managers December 12, 2022
Liquefied Natural Gas: The 21st Century Myth of Green Fossil Fuel for the Shipping Industry
The impacts of LNG and its health ramifications along the supply chain for communities on land...
Resource type:  Report
Solutions for Our Climate & Pacific Environment December 1, 2022
Korea’s Green Shipping Pathways: The Korean Shipping Landscape and Policy Recommendations for Ocean-Climate Leadership in Shipping
An overview of the current landscape of Korea’s shipping sector, including GHG emissions and policy recommendations ..
Resource type:  Report
International Council on Clean Transportation September 2, 2022
Comparing the future demand for, supply of, and life-cycle emissions from bio, synthetic, and fossil LNG marine fuels in the European Union
Estimates the demand for LNG used by ships on voyages to, from, and between EU ports in 2030..
Resource type:  Report
Solutions for Our Climate & Pacific Environment July 15, 2022
LNG terminal construction sacrifices mangroves and the Bali marine ecosystem
LNG terminal considered to be in conflict with regional regulations on regional spatial plans...
Resource type:  News
CBC News June 22, 2022
Wet’suwet’en members sue RCMP and Coastal GasLink for alleged harassment and intimidation
Lawsuit claims police and pipeline security officers are impeding rights outside of injunction..
Resource type:  News
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment May 25, 2022
Communities in Flux: Fracking and Health Impacts: The Lived Experience
Local, qualitative data generated through interviews with people residing in Northeastern British Columbia...
Resource type:  Report
Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health April 25, 2022
Fossil fuel extraction is harming Indigenous communities, say experts
Leadership from frontline Indigenous activists critical in fighting fossil fuel extraction impacts on their communities...
Resource type:  News
Transport & Environment April 13, 2022
Methane at Sea: Finding the Invisible Climate Killer
Investigation uncovers significant amounts of invisible methane being released into the atmosphere from LNG ships...
Resource type:  News
International Energy Agency May 21, 2021
Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector
World’s first comprehensive study of how to transition to a net zero energy system by 2050...
Resource type:  Report
International Council on Clean Transportation January 1, 2020
The Climate Implications of Using LNG as a Marine Fuel
The latest development of alternative marine fuel solutions, and policy recommendations to catalyze this transition...
Resource type:  Report
UMAS June 28, 2018
LNG as a marine fuel in the EU: Market, bunkering infrastructure investments and risks in the context of GHG reductions
Prospective public and private financial investments by EU member states into LNG port and bunkering infrastructure...
Resource type:  Report