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Say No to LNG, Earth Insights, Skytruth, CEED
October 26, 2024
Coral Triangle at Risk: Fossil Fuel Risks & Impacts
Fossil fuel development in the Coral Triangle overlaps with environmentally-sensitive areas, threatening marine biodiversity and human livelihoods...
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Solutions For Our Climate
October 14, 2024
Still Adrift: Updated assessment of the global energy transition’s impact on the LNG shipbuilding industry
Report finds LNG carriers are in massive oversupply, risking stranded assets and locking in capital; oversupply leads to cheaper LNG shipping, enabling traders to boost LNG demand...
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October 10, 2024
Banking on a Climate Shipwreck
Report sheds light on the environmental dangers of maritime LNG financing, and provides a call to action for banks to shift their investments toward cleaner, more sustainable solutions...
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Publication Name
September 20, 2024
Infographic: Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is a threat to the Arctic
Find out what the Clean Arctic Alliance – and others – are asking of Arctic nations, shipping industry and finance sectors if they truly want to reduce emissions of CO2, black carbon, and methane by 2030.
Solutions For Our Climate
June 10, 2024
Reconsidering Korea’s LNG Bunkering 100% Rebate Policy
The rebate system for LNG bunkering may impose a greater financial burden on the South Korean government and potentially impede its commitment to achieving net-zero emissions in international shipping by 2050...
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EERA & Ocean Conservancy
May 7, 2024
Analysis of Liquefied Natural Gas as a Marine Fuel in the United States
This report provides a detailed review of the existing literature on LNG as a marine fuel, including discussion of policies and regulations; LNG engine technologies and emissions; the global and U.S. LNG vessel fleets; production, import and export of LNG; and the health and equity implications of LNG...
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Energy and Environmental Research Associates, LLC
April 11, 2024
LNG and Shipping in the Arctic
To better understand the trajectory of LNG uptake in a maritime context across the study region, this report explores policy positions on natural gas in the study region, describes LNG bunkering, trade, and infrastructure, and identifies, discusses, and analyzes the Arctic-capable LNG vessel fleet...
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Bellona Environmental Foundation
April 2, 2024
Working paper analyzes Russia’s big LNG ambitions in the Arctic
Report gives an overview of the Russian LNG sector with a focus on the current status and future projections of LNG production and use as ship fuel in the Russian Arctic. The influence of economic sanctions on Russian LNG development plans are also analyzed...
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The International Council on Clean Transportation
March 14, 2024
Characterizing methane emissions from LNG-fueled ships using drones, helicopters, and onboard measurements
FUMES found that real-world methane emissions from the most common LNG marine engine averaged 6.4%, whereas EU regulations assume 3.1% and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) assumes 3.5%. ..
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Opportunity Green
September 26, 2023
(Un)Sustainable from ship to shore
The report highlights the systemic nature of the cruise industry’s apparently misleading advertising, including claims being made by some of the biggest international cruise companies such as Carnival, MSC Cruises, Princess Cruises, and Costa Cruises. ..
ClimateWorks Foundation
September 21, 2023
Debunking the myth of Liquified Natural Gas
Elissama Menezes of the Say No to LNG global shipping campaign works to debunk the myth that liquified natural gas, or LNG, is a “climate-friendly” marine fuel alternative and exposes the true nature of LNG as a fossil fuel...
Ship It Zero
August 7, 2023
Shipping Decarbonization Report Card
Most carriers have only committed to carbon neutrality by 2050, too long a timeframe to avoid catastrophe, and carriers are reliant on false solutions like liquefied natural gas (LNG) and scrubbers...
Solutions for Our Climate
June 1, 2023
High and dry: The global energy transition’s looming impact on the LNG and oil shipbuilding industry
Shipbuilders face significant risk by overshooting liquefied natural gas (LNG) shipping capacity that is inconsistent with future energy scenarios...
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David Suzuki Foundation
May 29, 2023
Burning Bridge: Debunking LNG as a Climate Solution
This report covers the science on the climate impacts of gas, the necessary reductions in gas supply and demand under the Paris Agreement and how this disqualifies Canadian LNG as a climate solution. ..
May 25, 2023
Singapore is leading the way on taking carbon out of shipping
The government is driving efforts to electrify shipping vessels and shift to green fuels..
The Magazine for Environmental Managers
April 12, 2023
From Land to Sea: the Myth of LNG
From extraction to its final destination, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) impacts people, nature, and the climate. Menezes and Lem debunk the myth that LNG is the solution the shipping industry needs to decarbonize and reduce its climate footprint. If using LNG at sea creates more issues on land, is this really a solution? ..
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Pacific Environment
April 12, 2023
Stop Gas Build-out at Port of Long Beach
Plans to build new fossil fuel facility for ships powered by LNG, locking in dangerous pollutants for 30 years...
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April 5, 2023
How can international shipping align with 1.5°C? Focus on 1.5°C alignment in 2030
IMO’s GHG debates have centred on the fuel transition, which is key for the ultimate transition to zero emissions, but absolute emission reductions required this decade can mostly be unlocked with efficiency...
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International Council on Clean Transportation
September 30, 2022
Comparing the future demand for, supply of, and life-cycle emissions from bio, synthetic, and fossil LNG marine fuels in the European Union
The report estimates that renewable LNG will be seven times more expensive than fossil LNG in 2030...
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UCL Energy Institute
September 12, 2022
Exploring methods for understanding stranded value: case study on LNG-capable ships
Researchers estimate £113bn-£185bn in losses investing in an LNG-capable fleet..
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Natural Resources Defense Council & China Waterborne Transport Research Institute
September 9, 2022
Overview of the Development of Low/Zero-Emission Marine Fuels and Implications for China
China's potential to lead shipping decarbonization to renewable-based solutions and away from LNG...
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Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability
May 5, 2023
Policy approaches to mitigate in-use methane emissions from natural gas use as a marine fuel
This study conducts a critical review and expert interviews to identify methane slip mitigation measures, and then identifies and evaluates potential policy instruments that could incentivize their uptake while considering the shipping sector's climate targets...
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The World Bank
April 15, 2021
The Role of LNG in the Transition Toward Low- and Zero-Carbon Shipping
The report attempts to identify the role of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a bunker fuel in the years 2020–2050...
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August 1, 2023
The Invisible Climate Impact of a Cruise Ship
Cruise operators are switching to LNG-powered vessels they say are better for the climate. New evidence suggests their emissions impact is still being understood. ..
The Magazine for Environmental Managers
December 12, 2022
Liquefied Natural Gas: The 21st Century Myth of Green Fossil Fuel for the Shipping Industry
The impacts of LNG and its health ramifications along the supply chain for communities on land...
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Solutions for Our Climate & Pacific Environment
December 1, 2022
Korea’s Green Shipping Pathways: The Korean Shipping Landscape and Policy Recommendations for Ocean-Climate Leadership in Shipping
An overview of the current landscape of Korea’s shipping sector, including GHG emissions and policy recommendations ..
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International Council on Clean Transportation
September 2, 2022
Comparing the future demand for, supply of, and life-cycle emissions from bio, synthetic, and fossil LNG marine fuels in the European Union
Estimates the demand for LNG used by ships on voyages to, from, and between EU ports in 2030..
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Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
May 25, 2022
Communities in Flux: Fracking and Health Impacts: The Lived Experience
Local, qualitative data generated through interviews with people residing in Northeastern British Columbia...
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International Energy Agency
May 21, 2021
Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector
World’s first comprehensive study of how to transition to a net zero energy system by 2050...
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International Council on Clean Transportation
January 1, 2020
The Climate Implications of Using LNG as a Marine Fuel
The latest development of alternative marine fuel solutions, and policy recommendations to catalyze this transition...
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June 28, 2018
LNG as a marine fuel in the EU: Market, bunkering infrastructure investments and risks in the context of GHG reductions
Prospective public and private financial investments by EU member states into LNG port and bunkering infrastructure...
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